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Law of Persons

Law of Persons

In the Turkish legal system, the law of persons is a fundamental branch of law that regulates individuals’ capacity to have rights and legal capacity to act, the beginning and end of personality, protection of personality, and legal entities. This field, regulated in the first book of the Turkish Civil Code in Turkey, establishes the basic rules regarding persons who are the subjects of the legal order.

Basic Concepts of the Law of Persons

The basic concepts of the law of persons in Turkish law are

Concept of Personality

The ability to have rights and obligations.

Capacity to Have Rights

The capacity to have rights and obligations that every human acquires at birth.

Capacity to Act

The capacity of a person to acquire rights and incur obligations through their own acts.

Personal Rights

The absolute right over one’s material and moral values.

Natural Persons

Basic regulations regarding natural persons in Turkish law:


Beginning and End of Personality

Personality begins with complete and live birth and ends with death. Declaration of absence and presumption of death are also important in terms of the end of personality.


Capacity Situations

Persons are classified as those with full capacity, those with limited capacity, those with limited incapacity, and those with full incapacity.


Personal Status Registry

Personal status registry consists of population records, birth, death, marriage records, and citizenship status.


Regulations regarding domicile in Turkish law address voluntary domicile, legal domicile, change of domicile, and the importance of domicile in legal proceedings.

Our Approach as Soylu Law Office

As Soylu Law Office located in Istanbul, we provide comprehensive legal support to both domestic and foreign clients in the field of law of persons. Our experienced legal team provides services in a wide range from protection of personal rights to guardianship procedures, from establishment to liquidation of legal entities. Especially for our foreign clients living in Istanbul or connected with Turkey, we stand by them as a reliable solution partner in complex processes with our professional translation service that eliminates the language barrier and our international law experience.

Our office ensures the most effective protection of our clients’ legal rights by providing legal consultancy, multilingual service, international law experience, and professional solution strategies in the field of law of persons.

Taking into account the fundamental nature of the law of persons and its close relationship with human rights, we closely follow current legislation changes and judicial decisions, working to provide the most accurate legal guidance to our clients in Istanbul and throughout Turkey. As Soylu Law Office, we are honored to serve you with our knowledge and experience in the field of law of persons.

For more detailed information on Law of Persons in Turkey, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Call : +90 537 430 7573 Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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