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Family Law

Family Law

Family law is an essential branch of law in Turkey that regulates family and familial relationships, which are fundamental building blocks of society. Dealing with matters such as marriage, divorce, custody, and alimony, family law addresses the most private and sensitive issues of individuals.

Fundamental Principles of Family Law

The fundamental principles observed in Turkish family law are:

Protection of Family Principle

Family as an institution is under constitutional protection of the state.

Principle of Equality

Spouses have equal rights and obligations within the marriage union.

Best Interest of the Child Principle

In all family law decisions, the child’s best interest is prioritized.

Principle of Intervention

State intervention is legitimate in cases of domestic violence and abuse.

Social State Principle

Protection of disadvantaged family members is the state’s responsibility.

Marriage Law

Within the regulations concerning marriage institution, capacity to marry and impediments to marriage form a fundamental starting point. In Turkey, marriage application and ceremony are subject to specific procedures. Particularly, marriages involving foreign nationals are subject to special regulations, and conditions for marriage invalidity are explicitly stated in the law.

General provisions of marriage cover topics such as rights and obligations of spouses, management of the marriage union, spouses’ choice of profession and work, and protection of the family residence. Regarding property regimes, options include participation in acquired property, separation of property, divisible separation of property, and community of property.

Divorce Law

Turkish law recognizes several grounds for divorce, including adultery, attempt on life and dishonorable treatment, commission of crime and leading a dishonorable life, desertion, mental illness, and irretrievable breakdown of marriage. Financial consequences of divorce, custody arrangements, property division, and social security rights are regulated in detail.

Custody and Child Law

Within the scope of custody rights, matters such as content and exercise of custody, modification of custody, and joint custody are addressed. Personal relations with children, visitation rights and arrangements, international child abduction, and enforcement of visitation rights are regulated in detail.

Alimony Law

Within the framework of alimony law, regulations cover poverty alimony, child support, provisional alimony, and temporary alimony.


International Family Law

International marriages

Recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions

International child law

International collection of maintenance


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Family mediation


Family counseling

Amicable settlement

Our Approach as Soylu Law Office

Located in central Istanbul, Soylu Law Office provides comprehensive legal support to both domestic and international clients in family law matters. Our experienced legal team, mindful of the sensitive nature of Turkish family law, adopts a tailored approach to each case and works to protect our clients’ rights at the highest level. Particularly for our international clients, we stand as a reliable solution partner in complex processes with our professional translation services that eliminate language barriers and our international family law experience.

Our Istanbul office provides in the field of family law:

Legal consultancy

Multilingual service

International law experience

Professional solution strategies to ensure the most effective protection of our clients’ legal rights

Given the sensitive nature of family law, we evaluate each case within its specific circumstances and work to produce the most effective legal solutions. As Soylu Law Office, centrally located in Istanbul, we are honored to serve you with our expertise and experience in Turkish and international family law.

For more detailed information on Family Law in Turkey, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Call : +90 537 430 7573 Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00