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Inheritance Law

Inheritance Law

In the Turkish legal system, inheritance law is an important branch of law that regulates the fate of a person’s assets upon death and is closely related to family and property law. In Turkey, inheritance law, which is regulated in the third book of the Turkish Civil Code, comprehensively deals with both legal and voluntary inheritance.

Basic Principles of Inheritance Law

The basic principles observed in Turkish inheritance law are

Universal Succession Principle

Heirs succeed to the rights and obligations of the deceased as a whole.

Equality in Inheritance Principle

Heirs in the same parentela receive equal shares as a rule.

Reserved Share Principle

A portion of certain heirs’ inheritance shares is protected by law.

Freedom of Renunciation

Individuals can renounce their inheritance rights.

Freedom of Testamentary Disposition

The testator can freely dispose of assets beyond reserved shares.

The legal inheritance order in the Turkish Civil Code is established as follows:

Under the parentela system, the first parentela includes descendants (children, grandchildren), the second parentela includes parents and their descendants, and the third parentela includes grandparents and their descendants. The surviving spouse is also an important legal heir.

The status of heir is acquired through blood relation, marriage bond, and adoption. In the distribution of inheritance, the relationship between parentelas, distribution within parentela, and the situation of the surviving spouse are specially evaluated.

Testamentary Dispositions

The forms of disposition regulating the testator’s last wishes are arranged as testament (handwritten, official, oral), inheritance contract (positive inheritance contract, renunciation contract, inheritance distribution contract), and establishment of foundations (family foundation, other foundations).

Legal Inheritance

Inheritance Matters Involving Foreign Elements

Inheritance matters involving foreign elements in Turkey cover the following issues

Determination of applicable law

Rights of foreign heirs

International agreements

Recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions

Our Approach as Soylu Law Office

As Soylu Law Office located in Istanbul, we provide comprehensive legal support to both domestic and foreign clients in the field of inheritance law. Our experienced legal team provides services in a wide range from preparing wills to inheritance distribution, from international inheritance cases to succession procedures. Especially for our foreign clients in Istanbul and other regions of Turkey, we stand by them as a reliable solution partner in complex processes with our professional translation service that eliminates the language barrier and our international inheritance law experience.

Our office ensures the most effective protection of our clients’ legal rights by providing in the field of inheritance law:

Legal consultancy

Multilingual service

International law experience

Professional solution strategies

Recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions
Taking into account the sensitive nature and familial aspect of inheritance law, we handle each case carefully and develop detailed legal analysis and strategies to protect the interests of our clients in Istanbul and throughout Turkey. As Soylu Law Office, we are honored to serve you with our knowledge and experience in the field of inheritance law.

For more detailed information on Inheritance Law in Turkey, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Call : +90 537 430 7573 Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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